Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Beacon, the Dance, & the Game

The world vibrates
it sounds like trumpets,
or so the monotheists say ,
quaking in their boots;

having forgotten that nature 
levels up all the time

or without

their terrifying husband of a god

they mutter amongst themselves 
about the 'end of days,'
and maybe it is,

from their perspective.

The rest of us smile
and begin the Dance

one foot to the left,
the song rises from a billion, billion throats 

one foot to the right,
both arms gracefully rising above our heads

the bells on my ankles,
the drum in his hands
the singing bowl brought to life
by the contemplative sitting at the edge
of the sacred dance ground

their eyes 3/4 closed,
the only other sound they make
a quiet, but resounding

(7.83 Hertz, the sound of the Schumann Resonance of Earth)

the Bird People fluff their feathers
and lightly step,
while lifting off in time;

each joins the Sacred Dance 
in their own ways.  7.83 Hertz - the sound of the Schumann Resonance of Earth)

the Bird People fluff their feathers

and lightly step while lifting off in time,

joining the sacred dance in their own ways,

the bower bird dancing his blues

and welcoming the new shape of things

as he would greet his precious bride

Owl and Tobi,

Golden Eagle and Egret,

Hummingbird and Bird of Paradise

take the task to show the beauty

glowing through the cracks

of all the hells

the humans wrought

there, the Blue-Footed Booby dances
jubilant his awkward dance,

his feet never wavering from their rhythm,

for the first time in his life

entrusted with the sacred sky

he adds his blue to the colors forming there

The Mammal Peoples gather

and find their place in the harmonics

of balanced, joyful uplift.

Bear stands upright,

Jaguar bows, and

Platypus giggles his solemnities toward the Void,

his tail slapping earth in time

to a distant, rhythmic drumming

Dog howls along,

while graceful, all the Ungulents sway.

The Beacon lit,

in every Now -

We go,

we come,

we fly,

we thrive.

The resonances

transform the worlds

. . . and there ain’t nothing you can do to stop it,

and so we sing

full joy

full peace

an overflow of self-acceptance

that enables acceptance of the Other,

without condition

and brings us all

to Health,

to Love,

to Dynamic Stasis -

the ever-changing balance;

The Greatest Game of All.

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