Sunday, May 19, 2019

Fighting Kapha Dosha

Delayed understanding always is
a little bittersweet,
is it not?

I was never inherently athletic;
i can walk a mile
faster (much)
than I can run it.

Even in my prime.

"Oh but how stately your run!"

That's not a compliment, my Love.

"I like being able to catch you."

Me and my feet of mud.

"But now you know;
you know how to address it.
Because you asked the right question.
All you have to do is take the steps;
and healing will begin.
You don't even need to FIGHT.
Your way of life
will heal your heart,
your body,
your spirit -
rendering all of you
into the most illuminated
variation of your truth possible
in this timeline."

So, breakfast 2 hours after the morning exercise?


More than an hour of exercise?

"Make it challenging for you.
You KNOW you'll lose interest and focus if it's not.
Start small.

get a cheap kayak.

While you do that,
remember you love to hike mountains.

Tadpole will more than compensate
for the 20 lb packs you used to carry.

You both DESERVE the joy of movement,
Beloved One.


Get up.
I believe in you."


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