Friday, January 25, 2019

The Fae-Dark Road

Sunset has only just passed by;
I walk a fae-dark road,
evergreens verd’rous o’erhead –
to either side the spear-wall
of berry brambles, nettles, and climbing tea roses
all gone wild long and long ago.
Fading light casts long and deep
the shadow of the Forest Lord
His antlers unmistakable
in what feels like sharp relief
Sunset left long behind;
guides now long gone, too –
my feet and heart now lead the way;
the spear wall sings with small things
make conversation with their fellows –
all still as I pass by.
Heavy human feet,
dank human stench
unmistakable –
in sharp contrast to the perfumes
of life & joy & all delights
drift honored lilac, treasured rose;
delicate jasmine, & sacred apple grove
whose love songs twine & dance upon the winds.
No torch accompanies my wand’rings;
alone in the greenwood with only tree frogs and the Shadow King
to sing this human child a guiding tune
the shadows pool ’round weary feet,
though Grandfather Moon shows not his face tonight.
Mother Gaia keeps her steady spin,
thrilling in the dance accompanying the music of the spheres.
Great Bear waltzes overhead along the shores of
the Great River Above.
Dizzy and alone
the human child falters,
or is she a Changeling going home?
Lay, Beloved,
lay beneath twined Hawthorn & Apple trees, so near.
Come, I’ve made a pillow of moss for your lovely head,
Come rest, my Heart,
tucked secure within the sacred grove
protected by the spear wall . . .
Come rest within my heart, Beloved.
Come home, My Love,
come to Me.”
Twirling, foxfire –
will o’the wisps, I do not know
but Knowing Beings, They,
oh yes, they light the way
& yes the mossy pillow is;
& yes, the trees are twined;
I know capricious Fate may play at dice for my life this night;
even so, my soul, at peace, lays down.
I may die;
Or fade into the Other World;
Or live forever;
Or for only one moment more —
Or ever altered in nature or aspect;
it doesn’t matter –
for I lay at peace in my Beloved’s arms.
He is not of this world,
am I.

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