Monday, May 24, 2021

Two Step

tiny worlds
in light

their dance
echoing my heart's
two step,
two step,
two step,

(but only when you hear his voice) 

lose track
of the path
air takes 

oh why
is he so beautiful
of soul?

Sunday, May 23, 2021


Outside the prisonstar,
tho still,
the mind is not yet free

I walk the small area
that used to be
but is no longer
my confinement
Spirit ripped open;
bleeding out
as usual

the full moon shines
through dark evergreens
mottling what is left of me
my heart
my sense of self
that ragged thing


I know what will happen
letting that thing heal
worlds will fall
Gallifrey will look like a cake walk
at a church social

“Only the corrupt,
my Love,
fall when you Rise.”

but that is everything, isn’t it?
How many are left?
I hear Lot bargaining with his God

Save it if there are only 10
only 5
only 1
save them?

And Sekhmet,
Queen of Warriors,
She Who Holds the Whip
Maintainer of the Balance
Defender of LIFE in all it’s Varieties
smiles, weapons drawn

~You Beg the Wrong God~,
the Ender of Injustice declaims,
applying her weapons,

She who is the Sun
pours a libation to the
Vengeful Exacter of Justice
until it floods the valleys
dyed the color of blood
with the juice of potent berries
and that Queen,

Wearer of Many Names in Many Worlds,
Destroyer of Evils,
reveling in her victory,
drinks it all down
and goes back to her place
among the Gods and Spirits,
drunk and sated.

All the stories of all the worlds
circle back around again,
Each tale tells of a different Person
with a Different Name
Doing similar work

Each universe,
a flake of the greater Multiverse,
has it’s own Persons
Managing the Worlds and
All their Beings
Holding Balance,
Fostering delight in all the differences
of all the Beings
teaching the Children of Every World
the point of it,
all of it,
is LOVE.