Strict adherence
to a form,I’m told,
is the discipline
of the poet;
flights of fancy
‘Learn to place
the fancy
WITHIN the form,‘
a revered master
told me once.
I cannot comply
my master, alas!.
I cannot comply
with constraints!
WHY only so many beats?
why are they called beats?
who on earth needs
rhyme schemes
that feel unnatural?
WHY must force
be applied to the tiny
spirits embodied
by the words?
Violence contradicts
my creed.
Flights of fancy,
unexpected interconnexions -
oft break out
of expected forms;
and how can I deny
the spirits of these words?
how can I,
mere human that I am,
deny the Powers that
spill forth from my pen,
bubble off my tongue?
I cannot.
I honor the spirit
of the poem
flowing through me now.
Perhaps tomorrow,
a Sonnet will volunteer;
for now,
no luck.
There is only
this doggerel;
(in which are hiding
many gods).